Hello from New York, New York

Greetings everybody from New York. It is wonderful to be in this amazing city again, and we are very excited that thebigword will shortly be moving to much larger offices to accommodate our ever-growing business.

At the present time there are 25 staff in New York and by the end of this year we expect this to grow to more than 70. Why is this? Well, both sides of the business in the States are growing rapidly. The Translation business is growing by 50% from last year and Over The Telephone Interpreting (in the UK we call it Telephone Interpreting) is increasing its business on a weekly basis.

I can hear you saying “But why New York, New York?” The reasons are because prices for office space have become a lot more realistic, the catchment area for qualified staff is extremely good and the availability of trainees and interns is also plentiful.

New Yorkers have a great work ethic. We are also surrounded by many of our customers, especially those in the banking sector- and I also love visiting here!!

I have now become a total expert on furniture and desk layout, as not only are we planning our enlarged New York operation, but we are now only seven weeks away from our move to our new headquarters in Leeds. The building is great and will create a wonderful environment, housing 350 staff by the end of next year.

thebigword globally has 87 vacancies to fill in all areas of the business. As well as the usual Operational and Sales vacancies, we are growing our HR department, which you would have to if you have so many vacancies to fill. We are looking to recruit an additional seven Developers and two Analysts, four new Automation Engineers and a whole host of other types of roles in Marketing, Finance and IT. So if any of you know people who are looking for work, please look at our website or contact us directly.

Looking forward to reporting back to you we are getting good reaction to our job adverts.

Wishing you all a great week.


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