Pilates will transform me..!

We have talked about the trainer in New York, and we have discussed my disaster at the swimming pool, where I lost my towel. Hurray, I have finally got it and I am going to share my secret of why I shall shortly be transformed into a svelte, supple guy from Mr. Stiff.

Last week at thebigword, in what we call the Reflections Room, I attended my first Pilates session. Sarah, our Pilates teacher, had me wobbling on a platform, supported by a sliced half ball. She had me stretching, lifting, holding my tummy, squeezing my buttocks (me not Sarah) for 45 minutes. It was harder than you may think, but gentler than other things I have done. I felt invigorated and less stiff almost immediately. I was joined by other staff members, and doing it together made it much more enjoyable. My only fear is that with me joining the staff in these exercises, I hope I am not putting other people off.

Many of us spend so many hours sitting at a desk, and indeed I spend thousands of hours sitting either in a car or on an airplane, so now I am in Pilates mode, we are having Pilates sessions prior to training sessions, Pilates sessions prior to board meetings and how long will this enthusiasm last? I hope for quite a long time.

This month, June is the beginning of our new financial year. I always feel quite nervous at this time, and I have broken a few of my own rules by listening to the news more than I would have liked. It is a dangerous sport to undertake. If I watch the ticker tape go round on CNN, with the rampage of shooting in our countryside, currencies fluctuating, analysts making your heart soar at new financial information, and then making you almost suicidal that the end of the world is coming. It is very, very dangerous with this enormous barrage of information, misinformation, analysed information, reanalysed information, house prices up, house prices down. Please, please restrict your viewing, it is not good for your health. There will be some definite losers, some very difficult situations where people will lose businesses and their work, but it is not going to be the majority. We are almost 30% up on this year than last year, and last year sales were the best we had ever had. Businesses are trading, shops are open, and whilst there will definitely be cutbacks, get it into perspective. Life goes on. It is those who are optimistic, positive and hardworking who will always, always win.

The sun is shining and I am looking forward to a weekend of sitting in the garden and enjoying a barbeque. Between you and me, I actually find barbequing very stressful. I either seem to burn the damn stuff or undercook, offering guests potential salmonella. Still, let us hope I get it right for once.

Now I am flexible after just two sessions of Pilates, of course I am going to enjoy bending down and tying my own laces on my trainers. So stay loose, cook everything through, enjoy the weekend and turn off the TV, and perhaps even restrict reading of newspapers and I will be in contact next week.

Have a good weekend.


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