Should we worry about GCSE results?
Should we worry about GCSE results?
As someone who left school at 15 and started an apprenticeship in Debenhams, I can assure you that if your exam results do not turn out how you would like them to, it is not the end of the world.
Watch my vlog here:
My message for the kids worrying about GCSE results: You should! It's the first time you are being judged and its public. BUT you shouldn't worry if you don't get the results you were hoping for.
Many of the very successful people I know, didn't get good GCSE results. Those that succeed at GCSE's often get pushed further down an academic path. But people like me who didn't have to compete did much better in the world.
SO if you haven't passed, it's just not your route. Go get into the world of work, start getting experience. I left school at 15 and when my friends joined the workforce 8 years later, and the majority never caught up with me.
Don't Worry!