So the holidays are just around the corner and I’ve got the flu - typical. It’s as if the nasty virus knew that I was planning on relaxing for a couple of weeks and decided to bide its time, plotting my demise, until the last email was sent, And, of course, it will conveniently clear up as the festive season is coming to a close and I’m due back in the office – brilliant.

The last few weeks have been challenging, not least because of the extreme weather. It always amazes me how a few inches of snow still has such a massive impact on transport and infrastructure nationwide and a reliance on modern technology quickly descends into scrambling around for more bags of grit.

However, I was hugely impressed with the effort that people made to get into the office, making their way through weather conditions that would have made Ben Fogle curl up in bed with a hot water bottle.

One person in the accounts department had to abandon his car after it was trapped in the snow and walk four miles back home (not so easy in leather-soled shoes). Another Project Manager used a sled stored in his garage for such occasions and was pulled to the office by a pack of well-trained huskies. (OK, one of those is made up).

For those that couldn’t make it to the office, Citrix came to the rescue and, along with the tireless technical support of our IT service desk team, kept productivity high.

I would like to thank everybody for their ongoing hard work and commitment throughout another great year for thebigword. The Board of Directors will be short-listing our 16 Award nominees at the end of December with a view to announcing them in January – so stay tuned! Each year we treat our nominees like special guests, with an overnight stay in the Marriott hotel, a VIP private reception and luxury gifts.

Even if you aren’t nominated, the celebrations dinner and awards ceremony in January will be a night to remember (unless you have one too many, in which case, probably not).

Have a great festive season and see you all next year!


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