Welcome back, looks like a great New Year.
Firstly apologies for not being online but I am now back at work and my wife is recovering from her recent accident; so I am looking forward to being in contact with you each Friday.
The first few weeks of 2012 have been really hectic. When I woke up on January 1st I had such a feeling of excitement, almost a premonition of great things that were going to happen in the year ahead. The end of last year for thebigword was really exciting with some great wins on both sides of the pond, leading to a quadrupling of our San Francisco Operation, whilst our U.S. headquarters in New York continues to grow like crazy. Europe is seeing a record number of big wins too. I can give you no other answers to why we are enjoying this success other than what I have said before and that is; avoid listening to too much negative media, realise that if the economy shrinks – which it has – it does not mean that our share has to shrink. Whilst our competitors moan and complain, we work and innovate. thebigword has, and constantly continues to, invest in its people and our technology and we have the most amazingly talented and hardworking workforce and that’s why we continue to grow. Over the next few weeks I will share with you many of our new innovations and ideas that will continue to revolutionise the Language Services Market.
This week I had the honour to attend the LOCOG suppliers conference hosted by Lord Sebastian Coe. I have to say I was so incredibly impressed and moved at the brilliant organisation and the fact that this massive project is being delivered on time and on budget. I am so proud that thebigword is involved with the London Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games. I want to thank in advance all the Interpreters who will be working hard on our behalf for this historic event. I especially found the information regarding the wonderful and courageous Paralympic athletes to be a source of huge inspiration.
Talking of awards this weekend sees our own company Annual Awards which recognises the great contribution that our staff throughout our network of offices makes to thebigword. What is so exciting is that the nominations for the award are made by the colleagues of thebigword and not the management, which makes the winning all the more special.
– looking forward to moving towards gold over the year ahead.
The first few weeks of 2012 have been really hectic. When I woke up on January 1st I had such a feeling of excitement, almost a premonition of great things that were going to happen in the year ahead. The end of last year for thebigword was really exciting with some great wins on both sides of the pond, leading to a quadrupling of our San Francisco Operation, whilst our U.S. headquarters in New York continues to grow like crazy. Europe is seeing a record number of big wins too. I can give you no other answers to why we are enjoying this success other than what I have said before and that is; avoid listening to too much negative media, realise that if the economy shrinks – which it has – it does not mean that our share has to shrink. Whilst our competitors moan and complain, we work and innovate. thebigword has, and constantly continues to, invest in its people and our technology and we have the most amazingly talented and hardworking workforce and that’s why we continue to grow. Over the next few weeks I will share with you many of our new innovations and ideas that will continue to revolutionise the Language Services Market.
This week I had the honour to attend the LOCOG suppliers conference hosted by Lord Sebastian Coe. I have to say I was so incredibly impressed and moved at the brilliant organisation and the fact that this massive project is being delivered on time and on budget. I am so proud that thebigword is involved with the London Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games. I want to thank in advance all the Interpreters who will be working hard on our behalf for this historic event. I especially found the information regarding the wonderful and courageous Paralympic athletes to be a source of huge inspiration.
Talking of awards this weekend sees our own company Annual Awards which recognises the great contribution that our staff throughout our network of offices makes to thebigword. What is so exciting is that the nominations for the award are made by the colleagues of thebigword and not the management, which makes the winning all the more special.
– looking forward to moving towards gold over the year ahead.