Growing divide between ‘Edu haves and have-nots’ - My take on Britain's annual budget
Today, the British Government announced its spending plans and forecasts for the next twelve months. Of particular concern to me as the CEO of a British-based company was the lack of investment in skills and export support.
On education spending, there is a growing divide between the ‘Edu haves and have-nots’ in the UK, which is bad for society and bad for business. Despite the headline-grabbing announcements about investment in maths, there is a crisis in post-16 training and skills. We need to increase spending on further education to support young people who don’t want to go to university.
Further education will also provide the skilled workers that British businesses will need when we leave the European Union.
On export support, The Government needs to do a lot more to support British exporters than just tinker with finance packages.
The Department for International Trade should encourage businesses to use freely available technology to localise their goods and services in markets across the world.