Usually I like to open with something positive, and steer clear of the doom and gloom, but as I didn’t get a chance to post anything last week, I want to send my best wishes to anybody affected by the UK riots which resulted in a number of deaths, serious injuries and disruption to businesses.
thebigword acted quickly, and as a precaution decided to close our London office for a day. Thankfully, our offices were unaffected by the riots and it was back to work as usual the next day.
Anyway, I am looking forward to visiting our New York office on Sunday for a couple of weeks and am pleased to hear that it has cooled down and rained intermittently since my last visit, so it should be like being back in Leeds only with taller buildings, armed police and a lot more bagels luring me in on every block.
I am still working on putting the finishing touches to my book and am very excited about its imminent release. Although I don’t want to give too much away, it touches on the subjects of ageing, sex and retirement; not necessarily in that order. Believe it or not, these three areas are all interlinked, and have all concerned me to varying degrees at some point over the last few years.
The truth is, we still live in an ageist society; from how we are expected to look and act - where valuable life-experience is too often discounted - or how we are expected to spend our leisure time once we reach a certain age.
My passion for these issues isn’t just confined to my personal life and I am delighted to announce that thebigword will soon be looking to recruit over-40s for more than 30 roles at every level throughout our nine global offices. More information will be available soon and for a list of vacancies go to http://www.thebigword.com/
So, drop by next week when I’ll let you know how business in thebigword’s New York office is getting on, give you an update on when my book should be available to buy (start saving now...) and let you know exactly how much weight I’ve gained from failing to avoid all of the afore-mentioned bagels.
Have a great weekend,
thebigword acted quickly, and as a precaution decided to close our London office for a day. Thankfully, our offices were unaffected by the riots and it was back to work as usual the next day.
Anyway, I am looking forward to visiting our New York office on Sunday for a couple of weeks and am pleased to hear that it has cooled down and rained intermittently since my last visit, so it should be like being back in Leeds only with taller buildings, armed police and a lot more bagels luring me in on every block.
I am still working on putting the finishing touches to my book and am very excited about its imminent release. Although I don’t want to give too much away, it touches on the subjects of ageing, sex and retirement; not necessarily in that order. Believe it or not, these three areas are all interlinked, and have all concerned me to varying degrees at some point over the last few years.
The truth is, we still live in an ageist society; from how we are expected to look and act - where valuable life-experience is too often discounted - or how we are expected to spend our leisure time once we reach a certain age.
My passion for these issues isn’t just confined to my personal life and I am delighted to announce that thebigword will soon be looking to recruit over-40s for more than 30 roles at every level throughout our nine global offices. More information will be available soon and for a list of vacancies go to http://www.thebigword.com/
So, drop by next week when I’ll let you know how business in thebigword’s New York office is getting on, give you an update on when my book should be available to buy (start saving now...) and let you know exactly how much weight I’ve gained from failing to avoid all of the afore-mentioned bagels.
Have a great weekend,