Howdy from thebigcountry...

Dear All,
Following my experience as a New York policeman you can see some new photographs in my role as a Rancher! The ranch is not one that can be found in Argentina but in the industrial area of Leeds, where our headquarters celebrated our annual barbecue.
One of the great features of the event was the Bucking Bronco. The fibre glass strengthened bull which was operated by two bored looking guys was installed in the middle of an inflated circular pool so that when the riders were thrown, they would be protected when they fell against the air filled structure.
It was interesting to watch how our staff engaged in this dangerous event and though I was tempted to join in, due to back surgery I resisted.
The party was a great success mainly because as it started at 4.30pm hardworking thebigword staff could have a well-earned break from their desk. I am always surprised when I walk through the Leeds office which houses 370-400 people, at how long our staff are able to concentrate on what is on their screen. We have tried all sorts of incentives to give staff breaks from work including the sweet moments areas where the non-smokers can suck a lolly or chew on candy and talk with their other clean living friends. We have also put a shelter over the smokers so they don’t catch cold when they go out for their fix, and we have now finished our own secret garden which opens very soon.
I suppose their ability to concentrate for such long periods of time on the computer is because they have grown up using computers at home and I suppose that screen becomes another friend/colleague. I am also struck at how dedicated they are as they remain so focussed during working hours. Thank goodness I am in the position I am, as I am sure I would be fired within a week for being disruptive.
Talking of being disruptive, that is exactly what we at thebigword want to be in the language market.
We had a very exciting meeting this week with one of our customers who transports prisoners and it was very impressive to note not just how concerned they were about their officer’s well-being but also how much they cared about the wellbeing of the transported prisoners, whom they termed ‘customers’.
We are working on a project to ensure that many of the passengers (and there are a considerable amount who are non or limited English speakers) should be able to feel less scared during this journey.
A number of them are of course regular crooks who know the routine but many are very scared,  of course are innocent until proven guilty and may have suffered terrible experiences at the hands of the authorities of the countries from where they have arrived.
I will bring you up to date another time on an innovative way to communicate with them during their journey and on arrival at the courts that we have been working on.
I hope you are impressed that I have managed to sit still long enough to write this blog. I am about to wander off and suck some candy!
Have a great week,

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