The moment has finally arrived! I can officially reveal what I have wanted to unofficially blurt out for weeks: thebigword has just re-won the Telephone Interpreting contract for the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) for the next four years!

This contract is accessed by many of the major Government departments, as well as local councils, the NHS and charities etc. We have proudly provided this service for the past five years, and will now be servicing more than a million minutes per month, not to mention creating more than 50 permanent jobs in our Leeds headquarters, and hundreds of freelance positions.

The contest to re-win the contract has been exceptionally hard-fought, and I would like to thank everybody involved for all their hard work. It was a fantastic team effort, and proof once again that thebigword has the best people in the industry driving us forward.

Although this has been an exciting time, it has also been a nail-biting, or in my case, tooth-grinding. Whenever I’m stressed I grind my teeth, and the last few weeks I’ve been grinding away like mad which is why I am now writing this blog from a dentist’s waiting-room.

Even though I like to consider myself a brave person, especially in business, I’m a total wimp once my name is called and I’m sitting in that dreaded chair.

Nothing is more unnerving than a dentist gliding towards you with a giant needle and a sadistic glint in their eyes. I usually beg for as much pain relief as possible, but today I need to have an impression taken, which, on the one hand is painless, but on the other, involves the equally unpleasant experience of biting down on a tray of foul-tasting gooey stuff that makes you want to retch.

I can feel the panic building as I’m writing this so I’m going to stop, do some deep-breathing exercises, and squeeze the crocodile stress toy that the nice lady at reception usually reserves for nervous children.

I want to let you into a secret: the real source of tension in my life at the moment isn’t business at all, but my impending birthday on Monday which is only one year short of an unmentionable milestone. Any advice on coping with the ageing process would be gratefully received...

Have a great weekend,


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