Back on the diet, and exciting developments

In a recent blog I finished with the information that I was preparing to stand on my weighing scales. The results were not great, so I am now trying diet No. 427. I do believe I am really self-disciplined in relation to work, but I just cannot resist those crunchy bars, so if anyone out there has some really good advice on how to cut out chocolate without feeling utterly miserable, then please let me know.

However, I am very excited about this. We are now opening new over-the-phone interpreting hubs in New York and San Francisco. This is to facilitate the growing US Government and private sector business. This will simplify overseas communications for US organisations. We also believe that over the next 12-18 months this expansion will create 600 new jobs within thebigword and its sub-contractors.

We have made rapid inroads into the US OPI market, which is estimated at $700m a year - by using technology and outsourcing. We were recently thrilled to be awarded contracts for the States of Iowa and Idaho and we are now providing OPI (by the way this is known as telephone interpreting in the UK) for the Californian health sector.

For those of you who are not aware, in the UK we operate telephone interpreting for three of the Government’s biggest departments, which are the Home Office, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and the Department for Work and Pensions.

I will keep you up to date on how we progress, but for any of you interested in using our service or applying for the role of over-the-phone interpreter (telephone interpreter) please check our website at and apply today.

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